ITC News

British Columbia’s Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Invites 358 Candidates

British Columbia’s Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Invites 358 Candidates

On Tuesday, Nov. 10, British Columbia sent invitations to 358 candidates who applied to their provincial nominee program (BC PNP)

BC PNP regularly conducts draws for their immigration program, typically every week. Every week alternates between regular program draw that invites all different types of professions and a more selective draw under their Tech Pilot

BC PNP Nov. 10 draw results 

The Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) points thresholds for nomination in the Nov. 10 draw remain relatively the same as previous rounds of invitations sent out. 

Express Entry BC categories (EEBC) minimum SIRS score:

  • Skilled Worker: 92
  • International Graduate: 93

BC Skills Immigration categories minimum SIRS score: 

  • Skilled Worker: 93
  • International Graduate: 94
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled Worker: 75

Excluded occupations from Nov. 10 draw

Given the current state of international travel restrictions, BC PNP is excluding some professions that relate to tourism and hospitality. 

Candidates who have job offers in these occupations are welcome to apply to the federal Express Entry program if their qualifying occupation is a skilled position falling under NOC skill level O, A, or B

0621Retail and wholesale trade managers
0631Restaurant and food service managers
0632Accommodation service managers
0651Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c.
3236Massage therapists
6211Retail sales supervisors
6311Food service supervisors
6313Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors
6341Hairstylists and barbers
6421Retail salespersons
6511Maîtres d'hôtel and hosts/hostesses
6513Food and beverage servers
6521Travel counsellors
6522Pursers and flight attendants
6523Airline ticket and service agents
6524Ground and water transport ticket agents, cargo service representatives and related clerks
6525Hotel front desk clerks
6531Tour and travel guides
6532Outdoor sport and recreational guides
6533Casino occupations
6562Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
6564Other personal service occupations
6621Service station attendants
6711Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
6721Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services
6722Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport
6731Light duty cleaners

Adam Pinsky

Adam Pinsky has a keen interest in all things immigration and has been working in the industry for 11 years.

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