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Alberta Invites 191 Candidates in the Express Entry Pool

Alberta’s Express Entry stream has invited 191 candidates to apply to the province for nomination. Receiving a nomination under this stream would result in an additional 600 points towards a candidate’s CRS score; these additional points essentially guarantee an Invitation to Apply (ITA) in one of the federal Express Entry draws.

How can I be eligible for Alberta’s Express Entry draws?

Alberta’s Express Entry stream selects candidates directly from the Express Entry pool. As such, an active Express Entry profile is required to be considered under this stream; the profile must also state their interest in immigrating to Alberta. Alberta targets candidates with a CRS score of at least 300; those with a CRS below this score will not be considered.

Alberta’s Express Entry stream does not release details of their draws. However, they have indicated that the following factors may increase one’s chances:

How does this compare to past draws?

Around this time last year, Alberta had stopped issuing invitations to candidates under their Express Entry stream. In 2020, the IRCC allocated Alberta with a total of 6,250 nominations to issue. However, Alberta issued just 4,000 nomination certificates; this was a result of the province’s Economic Recovery Plan. Alberta has since resumed issuing nominations in 2021, but the number of invitations allocated for Alberta in 2021 has not yet been revealed.

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